We have big plans.
To mark our 50th anniversary, we engaged in a robust process to take stock of our accomplishments and chart our path forward.

NASLEE is a key contributor in the national conversation on early childhood research, policy, and practice.
We play an important role in supporting professional growth for state leaders and facilitating cross-state collaboration. With increased attention on the importance of early childhood education, now is the time to refocus our efforts. Our strategic plan maps a path for sustainability and growth, both within our organization and in state early childhood systems.
Our 2022 Strategic Plan is guided by our mission, vision, and values.
Priority areas
Our strategic plan defines priorities and strategies for advancing NASLEE’s mission and vision. Each leverages our leadership, resources, and commitment to equity.
Build and sustain membership
Recognizing that the strength of its membership is the organization’s most important asset in pursuit of its mission and vision, NASLEE will commit effort and resources to build and sustain membership.
Establish a clearly defined and sustainable membership structure to engage and retain members Annual Roundtable
Strengthen new member recruitment efforts to scale the organization and build diversity in the membership base

Recognizing that the strength of our membership is our most important asset in pursuit of our mission and vision, NASLEE will commit effort and resources to build and sustain membership.
Build and sustain membership
Establish a clearly defined and sustainable membership structure to engage and retain members
Strengthen new member recruitment efforts to scale the organization and build diversity in the membership base

Strong, collaborative relationships are central to the success of NASLEE’s work. Therefore, communication—both within the organization and facing the field—is profoundly important.
Strengthen communication and collaboration
Improve bidirectional communication between members and NASLEE leadership
Expand opportunities for connection and collaboration between members
Continuously engage with the field to build awareness of the organization among state education agencies and across the national early childhood care and education community

In an environment as ever-changing as the national early childhood landscape, responsive, on-time professional learning is critical for those leading the way in states. NASLEE's charge is to plan and implement professional learning that is responsive to the needs of members and the field, multidirectional, and aligned in service of organizational goals.
Cultivate learning and knowledge-building opportunities
Establish priorities for professional learning that align with and support the overarching goals and values of the organization
Expand professional learning offerings to build the capacity of members
Disseminate tools and resources for members that aid in professional learning and translate learning to action

Continued leadership development is essential to sustaining NASLEE’s work and preparing visionary leaders to advance the early childhood field. We will build leadership capacity by delivering leadership development opportunities for members and supporting equitable pathways to leadership at the state and national levels.
Build leadership capacity
Create and maintain leadership development opportunities for members
Identify and recruit future NASLEE leadership candidates
Promote and support early childhood state leaders of color through partnership with members and other national organizations

Building on the organization’s increased capacity, institutional advantages, and commitments to its members and the field, NASLEE will strengthen its contribution to progress in the early childhood care and education landscape. This includes creating strong linkages between state and national early childhood contexts and refining the organization’s approach to child-centered, equity-informed policy.
Participate in progress in the early childhood field
Monitor and communicate progress and opportunities impacting early childhood efforts at the national and state levels
Establish a clear and consistent policy framework to support equity-informed practices
Cultivate a unified voice on key early childhood issues to support state and national efforts where values and priorities align
Same work, new name! NAECS-SDE is now NASLEE.